Oct. 8 fundraiser to support community resiliency

St. George Fire and Rescue reflects on Port Clyde fire, encourages more citizen involvement with fire department

‘Hopefully, we will get to see some new faces this Wednesday and begin training the next wave of St George Firefighters’
Tue, 10/03/2023 - 12:00pm
    The Sept. 27 fire that destroyed treasured buildings in Port Clyde sent shock waves across Maine and the country. Not only did the fire burn historic structures, but it claimed three Jaime Wyeth paintings, and an N.C. Wyeth original work. But the fire only sealed a stronger sense of community, and support for the firefighters, many of them volunteers, from rushing to Port Clyde just after 11 p.m. on a dark night.
    St. George Fire and Rescue is meeting Wednesday, Oct. 4, and encourages residents to get involved with the fire department. In a Facebook post, St. George Fire and Rescue wrote: “If you do not live in St George, please consider reaching out to your local department, as this is a nationwide shortage.”
    And on Oct. 8, a fundraiser will be held for a variety of people and entities affected by the fire. The public is invited to the Outback Saloon, 2 to 5 p.m. Visit portclydestrong.org for more information.
    Several days after the fire, St. George Fire and EMS wrote on its Facebook page, “Hey Neighbors. How are you all holding up today? 💕
    The post continued:
    If you are anything like us, you have run the full gamut of emotions over the last few days.
    Everything is still such a blur for many of us. In seeing photos being shared, we are spotting ourselves and having to think back to what we remember of that moment in time.
    Sometimes, we don’t remember. Sometimes, we remember every second and our skin heats up in memory of being on that line. Time has fragmented into pieces that play back in short flashes.
    First thing I wanted to address today is for community members and all of our mutual aid partners. If you are struggling, please do not feel as though you have to do so alone. If you need resources to help you cope, you are not the only one. We can connect you with resources, or we can just have a chat. Whatever you might need.
    One suggestion we can give, especially to those who were on the front line, is to write it all down. As you remember things, write it down. Get it out of your mind and on to paper. 📝
    Second thing we wanted to address is the outpouring of support and questions for how you can help the fire department. Financial support is certainly an option. We have a Venmo option where funds can be sent @STG-60. Checks can also be sent payable to SGVFA (St George Volunteer Firefighters Association… use the acronym 🙃) at PO BOX 249 Tenants Harbor ME 04860. In the memo line, write in “Training Building”. 💰
    While of course we appreciate all financial help, what our department needs is PEOPLE. We had nine of our own people that responded to that initial call.
    NINE. Not even double digits. But honestly… that’s the highest turn out we have seen in a while. 😳
    Even knowing our mutual aid partners weren’t going to be too far behind, that’s a scary small number to start with. One of our interior firefighters had to stay at the pond to provide water to scene, which is a critical role (and he killed it making sure we never ran out of water). That is an example of a role that could be filled by someone who would prefer to not go into the building. We know that’s not for everyone. So when we say there is a role for everyone, there really is. Training is paid for and we will take you as far as you want to go.
    So when considering how you can help, please please consider if you are able to give time. We will be meeting this Wednesday for our regular training at 6pm at the Tenants Harbor Station and we would love to chat with you about your future role with us. If you do not live in St George, please consider reaching out to your local department, as this is a nationwide shortage.
    Lastly, there is one group we did not extend a proper thank you to in our previous post. Knox Regional Communications kept up with all the chaos right along with us and made sure resources were coming as soon as we requested them. Our radio traffic absolutely made for a long night for them as well. We appreciate everything they do for us regularly and wanted to be sure to acknowledge that. 🫡
    We hope everyone is starting their healing ❤️‍🩹 Hopefully, we will get to see some new faces this Wednesday and begin training the next wave of St George Fire Fighters. 🔥 🚒
    All our love,
    Your St George Fire and Rescue Team